Sunday, December 28, 2014

Saving and Investment Plan

Hi Everyone!

As a motivation to myself and the readers, I have put up my saving and investment plan at the side of the blog. Do follow my blog to see my progression and you might be able to pick up some lesson from what I have done (be it success or failure).

Do not strictly follow my investment or saving plan as it might not be a optimal way to increase your capital because I am a low risk low return type of person.

However, if you are a low risk and low return type of person, you can follow my steps a bit and read up some of my saving guides which will help you to save up some capital for your future investment :)


  1. Hey james, will you post some investment plans related to insurance just because i want the insurance which secure my family too.

    1. Hi Aditya,

      As I have not started using insurance related investment/saving plan, I cannot really post anything to suggest to my reader. However, I have check with one of the NTUC income staff mentioning about a saving plan which requires monthly saving of $300 to $800.

      I believe it would be best if you can go down and talk to the insurance staff to know more about it. Of course, if I have purchase anything related to this, I will certainly post this on this blog.

      Thank You


    2. Hi Aditya,

      I will help you do some research on such investment plan if I happen to have time for it. I will post it on my blog to share my views on it.

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