Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Hi Everyone,

During the previous post, I have post about understanding the market direction. For today's topic, it will be about candlesticks. I have heard a lot of people talking about reading candlestick as the gauge to understand whether is it a right time to go in or a right time to sell in order to gain profit/reduce loss.

Certainly, as a long term trader, it's no harm for me to understand a bit on candlestick to ensure that I am not purchasing as a unfavorable price in the market. Thus, I decided to check out on some video tutorial on candlesticks. On youtube, I have found one rather clear and concise video about how to read candlesticks for beginners. Certainly there are more to learn as it is no an easy feat to learn candlestick in just one video.

The below is the video that I have come across

Certainly, if you have come across any interesting video about candlestick do drop me a comment because I am curious to learn how to pick up this skill.

Thank You!:D

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