Thursday, January 22, 2015

Investment on First REIT and Fraser Centerpoint Trust

Hi Everyone!

I believe that I did not post on the reason why I have invested in First REITs and Fraser Centerpoint Trust. I shall do that on this post for the reason why I invested in these two shares. 

For First REITs, due to it's nature of business, which deals with nursing home and is in a medical sector, I believe that it will grow in the future as the medical industry is improving, the average age of the population will increase (especially in country like Singapore). Thus, there will be a requirement/needs of having nursing home to cater to these needs. Also First REITs also had properties in Indonesia and Korea as well. It would seems to be quite a good coverage and together with the business nature, First REIT would be a best bet for me to keep as a defensive stock.

For Fraser Centerpoint Trust, I invest on it because I am a frequent shopper in both North Point and Causeway Point. Also they have one more new building at Changi City Point which is quite nice and the occupancy rate is good! Same as Causeway point and North point. Thus, I believe in this share will grow like CapitaMall Trust. 

Lucky, I bought Fraser Centerpoint Trust break the $2 point and I purchase it at $1.99, which is I think quite a good purchase (Certainly, I should have bought it earlier but I was too focus on Soilbuild and Keppel DC on the day before)

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